Social bookmarking sites (sometimes known as social networking sites) have become the new tool for the modern-day Webmaster in an age where you need to be noticed, your content needs to be read on a regular basis and you need to market your site 24 hours a day seven days a week. You may have heard of the likes of Digg and other well-known social networking sites but you really do need to make use of all facilities and all marketing sites available to you.
We hereby enclose a list of the most popular social bookmarking sites and many new social networking sites you may not have heard of or made use of as yet.
Balatarin BookmarkSync CiteULike Connotea Delicious Digg Diigo Faves Furl IBM Lotus Connections Linkwad Ma.gnolia My Web Mister Wong Mixx MSDN Newsvine oneview Reddit Simpy SiteBar StumbleUpon TechNet Windows Live Favorites
If you are serious about a career online you need to make use of as many of the above bookmarking sites as possible many of which are free and offer exposure to actually millions upon millions of Internet users.